Thursday, January 28, 2010

Hello World!

I'm no stranger to blogs. I had a fairly popular (according to me) online journal for a few years in the earlier 2000's. In fact, that journal has a lot to do with how Ryan and I came to be "The Borba Family"!

But now it is time to open a new blog chapter. Let's meet the main characters!

There is:

Christine (me!) - 24 and hugely popular with all people. Office Assistant at a local law enforcement agency. I recently acquired cooking fever, so Ryan has been enjoying the benefits of that.

Ryan - 25 and almost as popular as me! Copy editor for a WORLDWIDE concert trade puplication. Recently decided it was time to get buff, so now every time I go to sleep I see his pecks flexing in my dreams.

Napoleon - 2.9 years old, 83.00 lbs, American Bulldog/Pitbull mix. The sweetest and most well behaved dog I have ever encountered. He is more popular than both his owners and instantly wins over any one he meets.

Now the stage is set! Let's see what develops.

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